Keeping check with your mental health and ways to improve it

By George Cooley

Mental health protection is like brushing your teeth everyday. We all do it to prevent problems, Same is the case with improving our mental well-being.

That said, protecting your mental health is easier than you might think and we can all do it with simple activities that make you feel okay and make us cope with life better.

Here are some tips to help you not only to keep your mental health in check, but ways and means to improve it still further.

Go on a solo cruise 

Traveling is often regarded as a stress-buster as it provides one with an opportunity to escape the rigours of day to day life and relax and recharge in a novel environment.

In recent times, all-inclusive solo cruise packages from Vancouver and US ports like Miami or Boston venture deep into Alaska, the Pacific region and even Hawaii for a tropical vacation which eliminates the stress of hotel-hopping and planning.for accommodation.

So why not take advantage of cruising alone and enjoy solo traveling from the US or Canada as a great way to relax, unwind, keep mentally healthy and make new friends on the way.

Get closer to nature 

There is plenty of research which supports the role nature can play in protecting and improving mental health.

Fortunately, you don’t have to climb mountains to reap the benefits as there are other simple ways to get close to nature everyday.

Nature can have a calming effect and makes one feel more hopeful and less isolated. Just by taking a walk in a forest and experiencing the different smells and sounds of birds can help a great deal.

To get the best out of the healing properties of nature, sense the birds and animals around you or visit water bodies like ponds and lakes in order to get connected with the surroundings.

Get good sleep 

People who struggle with sleep are well aware what harm it does to the mind, body and the ability to cope with day to day life.

Everyone passes through periods of bad sleep, which makes having a good night’s rest impossible, especially for those who are struggling with mental health issues.

If you are not getting 7-9 hours of good sleep daily, adopting these simple strategies can help:

  • Develop a routine to relax the body before you actually go to sleep 
  • Shun TV and mobile screen time, alcohol and caffeine as it will help you to fall asleep and stay sleeping 
  • Sleep and get up at the same time everyday, including on weekends.

Get the body moving 

Since our bodies and minds are interconnected, looking after yourself physically can prevent mental health problems to a great extent.

We can do this by taking up activities which can keep our body moving such as dancing, cycling, going to the gym or even walking the dog are great ways to improve both mental and physical health 

Doing regular exercise also releases the feel good body hormones that help us feel better and even improves sleep. Being part of a group of like-minded people can also boost mental health.

Remember, you need not be an athlete to gain from the benefits of being physically active as from walking, dancing, etc, choose any exercise which brings you joy.

Get proper nourishment 

Having good food and drink helps the body, brain and mood to good effect. While sugary drinks and snacks can give a good high, the feeling gives only a temporary sense of comfort and soon leaves us exhausted.

Eat a balanced diet of plenty of vegetables and fruit which are essential for good mental and physical health. You don’t have to make big changes except eating at regular times, staying hydrated and taking the right balance of fats.

How you eat is also important. When people are upset, they tend to either overeat or eat less. This unhealthy relation with food could lead to an eating disorder, which can impact mental health.

Be kind 

People who feel lonely know how much they yearn for even the smallest connection, like exchanging smiles or words of greeting, with someone else.

Being kind has been shown to boost mood, feel more capable and strengthen connection with others and most importantly helps to keep stress at bay.

If you are unaware how to go about it, start small. Show meaningful acts of gratitude and kindness by just offering a smile or a few nice words to another person.

Not only will you make their day, but you also will gain by feeling better as making a friendly connection with others is vital for our mental health.

Other helpful activities could include volunteer work or connecting with others who work for a good cause. This generates a feeling of being connected with the world around us, all of which is good for mental health.

Seek support 

It takes a lot of courage to tell someone else about your mental health issues.Talking to a person you trust can bring immediate relief and strengthen your relationship with the person you spoke with.

You can also take Talking therapy that involves speaking to a trained professional about your bad feelings and behavior in order to find a way out from your negative thoughts and where they come from.

About the author
George Cooley