The 3 Best Strategies To Manage A Chronic Illness

By George Cooley

Chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and autoimmune disorders don’t go away and can affect nearly every part of your life. When you take care of them the right way, they can become something you manage daily and you can live a fairly normal life. But if they aren’t handled properly, they can get worse fast, leading to serious health issues, more doctor visits, or even hospital stays.

When you stay on top of your care, you’re giving yourself a better chance to live a quality life since your pain is managed and your disease is not allowed to take over. Knowing what steps to take and when can help you stay in control and avoid those bigger problems down the line. In this article, we will go over several strategies to manage a chronic illness that are manageable.

1 – Get a concierge doctor

Dealing with a chronic illness can be challenging, especially when regular doctor visits don’t give you the time or support you need so going with a concierge doctor is a good idea. 

If keeping up with your care has felt overwhelming, trying to find a concierge doctor might be worth considering. Since they work with fewer patients, they can give you more attention and focus on what you need.

One big advantage of concierge medicine is how easy it is to reach your doctor. Instead of waiting for the next appointment, you can often call, text, or have a virtual visit when something urgent comes up. Having extra time with your doctor also helps you better understand your condition and allows for quicker adjustments to your treatment.

2 – Focus on the right diet

When you’re dealing with a chronic illness, the things you do every day can really affect how much you’re able to manage your disease. Making healthy lifestyle choices will help you manage your illness and keep yourself healthy. 

Eating right is a big part of it. The food you eat can either help manage your condition or make it worse. Try to focus on healthy, balanced meals that give your body what it needs without causing problems. For example, if you have heart disease, cutting back on salt and unhealthy fats can help keep your heart healthier. If you have diabetes, it’s important to watch your carbs and sugars to keep your blood sugar steady.

3 – Embrace technology

Technology can make managing a chronic illness a lot easier. With the right tools, you can keep track of your health, stay organized, and even share important updates with your doctor.

There are plenty of health apps that can help you monitor your symptoms, remember your medications, and schedule appointments. Many of them send reminders, so you won’t forget to take your meds or check your blood pressure. 

Telemedicine is another helpful option. Instead of always going to the doctor’s office, you can sometimes meet with your doctor online. It’s super convenient, especially if you’re not feeling well or just need a quick follow-up.

The team hopes these 3 strategies to manage a chronic illness have been informative and will be something manageable if you need to employ them!

About the author
George Cooley